The decision to form the Highlands Area Soccer Club in 1990 came from a handful of people led by Jeff McCurdy. Their kids had played as very young children at Freeport and Knoch. So, in typical American can-do spirit, this group of parents began a journey that may have discouraged them had they know the amount of blood, sweat, tears and money that they would need to get the club to where it is today. Fortunately for all of us, they willingly devoted all of their family’s free time over several years to the development of our club. Today nearly 400 children from our area will play soccer for HASC. More than 50 men and women will contribute their time to coach. Another 30 young men and women (some not so young) will have completed 18 hours of training to become certified FIFA/USSF referees. Of course there are the hundreds of parents and grandparents that sell candy, staff the concession stand, and otherwise pull “soccer mom/dad” duty.

President: Jeff McCurdy
Vice President: Dean Vorp
Secretary: Diane Koskta
Treasurer: Toni Phillips
Sharon Vorp, Marilyn Zembrzuski, Margie Hanulik, Mark Valchar, Frank Nemeth, Frank Morrone, Jim Thomas, Jan McCurdy, Dave Phillips